top 37 healthy food


top 37 healthy food

1. Walnuts

These nuts can go to any party as a snack or party food.

2. Carrots

Yeah these are vegetable, and many of us don’t even have much variety left!

3. Spinach

Hummus with spinach is a delicious meal!

4. Broccoli

This veggie is super beneficial to your health. Eating a salad with spinach and avocado every day is a super healthy meal.

5. Raw Banana

Almonds, edamame, almonds, and banana are all great snacks for the family.

6. Toffee

Pickle squash and Popeye are all great treats!

7. Barley

We can all do with some oats everyday. Our family loves moo goos or salad.

8. Chickpeas

This food can be combined with pulses, lean proteins, and vitamin-rich vegetables.

9. Cranberries

We know how healthy they are, but I like the boost of antioxidants from these berries!

10. Apple

Even though it isn’t the healthiest plant on the planet, eat apples as a healthy dessert.

11. Sooropsis Myrmidon

These sweet potatoes are full of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins!

12. Soy Bean Mix

This cheesy mixture of tofu, soy, red beans, chickpeas, and brown rice can be put into smoothies.

13. Ground It

This mix is a delicious meal that is low in cholesterol and sugar.

14. Goji berries

These berries are packed with vitamin C.

15. Sunflower seeds

In my house, we don’t always use them because they are a little less healthy for the kitchen, but I bet you have a secret in your back. I’ll go get them!

16. Natural Gummies

These natural gummies can be stuffed into yourself after eating nuts.

17. Organic Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken and noodles don’t normally taste good together. I would consider this as dish that could be the most flavorful meal you’ve ever eaten.

18. Pint-Spoon Flourless Soup

I was a surprise using this broth. These dishes are low in calories, can be organic, and do not require very much time to prepare.

19. Duck Gyoza

This chicken dish is creamy and flavorful, and it tastes really good as a soup or breakfast for your family.

20. Farmer’s Market Tomatoes

As a kid, we used to take our peas and pick them up from the farmers market. These tomatoes are really organic!

21. Cold Cut Broccoli

It is nice to have the option of sweet pickles!

22. Homemade Spam

This is one of my favorite recipes! If you have lots of friends, invite them over, and make this to die for!

23. Sesame Crackers

Sesame crackers are made to achieve great tasting hamburgers.

24. Fulleroki

This chicken is a delightful healthy meal!

25. Apple Cider Vinegar Soba Soup

Eat this from start to finish and you’ll have a great-tasting meal to get in your face.

26. Mixed Greens Lemon Chicken Soup

Cook your family a meal and move to a lighter lifestyle.

27. Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

This homemade chicken soup has a low amount of sodium.

28. Real Vegan Chicken Liver Chowder

Cook your home a healthy way and give your family a taste of home cooking.

29. Caribbean Chicken Chow Mein

Chicken Liver Chow Mein looks delicious! This meal is low in cholesterol, salt, sodium, and no soy sauce.

30. Homemade Pollan fish amango smoothie

This smoothie is low in sodium and carbohydrates. All of your requirements come in a squeezable water bottle!

31. Healthy Greek Yogurt

These healthy yogurts can be made without dairy. So when you tell your friends that your house has no dairy, they must try!

32. Real Cheesesteak

This Cheesesteak recipe has everything!

33. Natural Cherry Pie

We all have a secret apple pie pie recipe. There are no sugar coating in this low-fat recipe!

34. Withdrawal Mango Smoothie

We always have the mint extract in our smoothie! Not only can we still get a little information, but this smoothie is tasty as well!

35. Zucchini Roasted Turkey Tear

Red peppers, tomato, a bit of garlic, and paprika, all on the roasting pan! It's a healthy meal!

36. Tuna Belly

You can use any vegetables in your house. The more peppers you use, the better the flavor of the stuffing will be.

37. Chipotle Kale and Brown Rice Soup
